الونشريس للتربية و التعليم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الونشريس للتربية و التعليم

الرئيسية10أحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول



اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو متميز
عضو متميز

المساهمات : 512
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/11/2007
العمر : 37
الموقع : www.ammimoussa.fr.gd

مُساهمةموضوع: THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION الرمكة   THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION  الرمكة Icon_minitimeالخميس 29 نوفمبر 2007, 02:10

RAMKA SECONDARY SCHOOL School year : 2007/2008
Level: 03rd year L.PH Time alloted : 02 Hours

PART ONE: Reading and Interpreting (15 points)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

During the Muslim conquests of the 7th and early 8th centuries, nomadic Arab armies established the Islamic Empire, the largest empire the world had yet seen. The Islamic Golden Age was soon inaugurated by the middle of the 8th century by the ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate and the transfer of the capital from Damascus to Baghdad. The Abbassids were influenced by the Qur'anic injunctions and hadith such as "the ink of scientists is equal to the blood of martyrs" stressing the value of knowledge. During this period the Muslim world became the unrivaled intellectual center for science, philosophy, medicine and education as the Abbasids championed the cause of knowledge and established a "House of Wisdom" in Baghdad; where both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars sought to translate and gather all the world's knowledge into Arabic. Many classic works of antiquity that would otherwise have been lost were translated into Arabic and later in turn translated into Turkish, Persian, Hebrew and Latin.During this period the Muslim world was a cauldron of cultures which collected, synthesized and significantly advanced the knowledge gained from the ancient Chinese, Indian, Persian, Egyptian, North African, Greek and Byzantine civilizations. Religious freedom, though limited, helped create cross-cultural networks by attracting Muslim, Christian and Jewish intellectuals and thereby helped spawn the greatest period of philosophical creativity in the middle Ages from the 8th to 13th centuries.
A major innovation of this period was paper - originally a secret tightly guarded by the Chinese. The art of papermaking was obtained from prisoners taken at the Battle of Talas (751), resulting in paper mills being built in Samarkand and Baghdad. The Arabs improved the papermaking process considerably using other techniques.

1-Choose the right answer that best completes statements A and B .
A- The text is to : a) - argue b) - inform
B- The text is a : a) - letter b) - piece of narration
2-choose the most suitable title for the text
a) Arab scientists.
b) Arabs contributions to papermaking.
c) Islamic golden age.

Part one :
Reading and interpreting
1- choose the right answer that best complete statements A and B .
a- the text is to - argue - inform
b- the text is a - letter - piece of narration
2-choose the most suitable title for the text
Arab scientists.
Arabs contributions to papermaking.
Islamic golden age .
3-Say whether t(he following statements are true or false:
a- The arabs learned the secret of papermaking from Chinese scientists.
b- Only few works of antiquity were translated into Arabic and other languages.
c- The Islamic empire was established during 7th and 8th century.
4-Find in the text the word that has the same meaning as : liberty
Find in the text the word that is an opposite to : narrowest
Find in the text the word that means :
Use one of these words in sentence of your own.
5- fill ion the table with the corresponding form





To know



6-Rewrite the following sentence using the connerctor between brackets.
Although There were many obstacles facing muslims , they were able to establish the largest empire the world had yet seen. ( despite)
7- Underline the silent letters
Knowledge - world - island - thought
8- fill in the blank with one of the words provided
The arabs made important!!!!!!!!to mathematics!!!!!!!!! . of the!!!!!!!! scientists in this field is !!!!!!!!!.alkhawarizmi. Introduces the number system that we use!!!!!!and that we!!!!!!!" Arabic numerals "

Choose one of the following topics
1- Write a short paragraph of about 08 lines talking about the factoprs of both the decline and flourishing of civilizations .
2- Say what you know about Islamic civilization.

Part one :
Reading and interpreting
1- choose the right answer that best complete statements A and B .
a- the text is to - argue - inform
b- the text is a - letter - piece of narration
2-choose the most suitable title for the text
Arab scientists.
Arabs contributions to papermaking.
Islamic golden age .
3-Say whether t(he following statements are true or false:
a- The arabs learned the secret of papermaking from Chinese scientists.
b- Only few works of antiquity were translated into Arabic and other languages.
c- The Islamic empire was established during 7th and 8th century.
4-Find in the text the word that has the same meaning as : liberty
Find in the text the word that is an opposite to : narrowest
Find in the text the word that means :
Use one of these words in sentence of your own.
5- fill ion the table with the corresponding form





To know



6-Rewrite the following sentence using the connerctor between brackets.
Although There were many obstacles facing muslims , they were able to establish the largest empire the world had yet seen. ( despite)
7- Underline the silent letters
Knowledge - world - island - thought
8- fill in the blank with one of the words provided
The arabs made important to mathematics . of the scientists in this field is alkhawarizmi. Introduces the number system that we use and that we " Arabic numerals "

Choose one of the following topics
1- Write a short paragraph of about 08 lines talking about the factoprs of both the decline and flourishing of civilizations .
2- Say what you know about Islamic civilization.

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